April 27, 2023

Introducing: Toggle Champions

Introducing: Toggle Champions

The friends, family, fans and followers of your best customers should be your customers. 

Our latest Booster, Toggle Champions harnesses the power of word of mouth and social communities to drive new customer data collection and deliver new customers. 

We know one of your key jobs as a marketer is to bring new eyeballs to your brand. This may be through bringing new customers to your venues, simply getting audiences  engaged with social content, or maybe even pull visits to your websites which hopefully over time will convert to a future visit.

For a lot of brands, word of mouth is still very much number one as far as brand endorsement. People trust people, and this extends to online communities where individuals have built followers that although perhaps they have never met, still have trust in what they post or buy into how they tell the story of the potential experience. 

That's why we built Champions; an out-the-box, digital solution, built into your Toggle account, that enables your customers and influencers to introduce and incentivise their family, friends, fans and followers to visit your business.

It’s 100% traceable (unlike actual word of mouth) and only rewards the Champion when they’ve delivered a customer and that customer has made a transaction.   Here’s what you need to know about our latest booster: 

Allow your brand Champions to bring the customers in for you. This tech will allow you to drive more data, more footfall, more eyeballs and more hungry mouths to feed for years to come; through incentivising your existing customer base to invite their friends, family, fans and followers. 

Low (risk) and Behold - Toggle Champions means running a referral campaign that is quite simply: risk-free. From the Toggle gift vouchers you've issued, you'll only be investing once the vouchers have been redeemed: meaning by the time your costs are spent, you're already making the money back, from an in-venue customer!

It’s all in one place. Your teams already know how to redeem a gift card. There's no need for new integrations or plugins, or for you to interfere with the tech halfway through: thanks to our seamless and simple set up, you can enjoy the perks of a refer-a-friend scheme without constantly technical firefighting. 

Easy reporting means a trackable ROI. Your Toggle insights dashboard will allow you to directly track and measure the success of your refer-a-friend sign up, so you can report back how many new customers have come along. 

It’s integrated with Airship. You’ll get the data automatically segmented and stored intelligently, ready to deliver you Value Exchange and as a source of PoP. 

How Toggle Champions works:

  1. Firstly, you create a new Champion referral scheme on the Toggle dashboard. You select the value that both The Champion & The Friend receive as part of the scheme
  2. Champions are invited to join either via a link or QR code. This can be via email, sms, direct message or as simple as a QR displayed in venue
  3. The Champion will sign up, be issued a Toggle card, as well as their own Personal Sharing Link.
  4. Using The Champion’s Personal Sharing Link, The Friend signs up and receives their own Toggle card loaded with your predefined value.
  5. When The Friend redeems their card, The Champion gets more value loaded onto their card as a thank you for bringing in a visit.

Do you fancy capitalising on your digital word of mouth? Fancy turning all your customers into your brand Champions? Do you want to add another measurable ROI to your digital marketing operations?

Great, reach out to us at success@usetoggle.com to find out how you can get started.